Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Change In Plans For Outing Saturday May 25

The planned photo outing to Struttin' In The Ruts is off.  Turns out you can have too much rain for trucks and mud.  Instead we are going to have a

Nighttime Photo Walk

What is a photo walk?   According to Scott Kelby, who organizes the largest photo walk in the world, "you take yourself and a camera to a designated meeting place to meet up with other photographers, then venture out into an area and snap away! Walk around taking pictures for a couple of hours, then gather at a restaurant, bar, or other eatery/drinkery, and compare, share, discuss, and have a good time."  

Besides having a good time this is a chance to learn more about nighttime photography from each other.  There are a few things that you will want to bring to create great nighttime photos
  • Tripod - exposures will be long and you will need a steady camera
  • Small flashlight - it may be difficult to see the controls on your camera
  • Cable release - not necessary but a nice thing to have with you
  • Comfortable shoes for walking
We will meet at the lower level of the downtown parking garage at the corner of Shelby and Market Street at 8:00 PM.  From there we will wander the streets of Kingsport for an hour or two as a group.  It's up to you how long you stay.  

Check the weather before heading downtown.  If there is a 60% or greater chance of rain in the forecast then this event is called off.  Check the Eastman Camera Club facebook page for last minute updates.

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