Monday, November 12, 2012

Don't Forget Camera Club Meeting Thursday 11/15

I've been talking with Jeff Stoner about his program on the history of fine art photography and I'm even more excited about what's in store for Thursday.  Jeff has done considerable research and has gotten permission to use some special photos in his presentation.

The meeting is 6:00 PM November 15 in the Eastman Bays Mountain Lodge.  We meet in Room A1/A2.  Jeff will be first on the agenda.  We'll then share and discuss our favorite fall photos from this year.  The meeting typically lasts 90 minutes.

You can upload your photos by following these steps:

  1. Point your web browser to
  2. Log in using as the account and shutter as the password.
  3. Click on the November 2012 - Fall Colors folder
  4. Click on the plus symbol to create your own folder and give it an appropriate name
  5. Click on your new blank folder
  6. Upload your files.
Please try to limit your photos to 6 or less.   Try to keep the file size to 2 MB or less.  Bigger does not display better and slows down the sharing process.individual 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Time Is It?

By now most of us have turned our clocks back one hour.   Did you remember to change the time on your camera?  The date and time a picture is taken is stored in the image file.  If the time/date a picture was taken is important to you then you should go into your camera settings and make sure the date and time are correct.   Having the correct date and time is important if you organize your photos by date or sort by time, especially if you combine photos from two different cameras.

If you forget to set the time back you can adjust the date/time in a picture using Adobe Lightroom or other programs.