Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept. 19 Camera Club Meeting and Oct. 12 Outing

September 19 Club Meeting - IR Photography

Join us Thursday night at 6:00 in the Eastman Employee Center for a program on Infrared or IR Photography presented by Jeffery Stoner.   Jeffery is an accomplished photographer, author and speaker.  His art can be seen on display in 12 different gallery from Kingsport to Arizona and Pennsylvania. 

According to Photography Life, infrared, or “IR” photography, offers photographers of all abilities and budgets the opportunity to explore a new world – the world of the unseen. Why “unseen”? Because our eyes literally cannot see IR light, as it lies just beyond what is classified as the “visible” spectrum – that which human eyesight can detect. When we take photographs using infrared-equipped film or cameras, we are exposed to the world that can often look very different from that we are accustomed to seeing. Colors, textures, leaves and plants, human skin, and all other manner of objects can reflect IR light in unique and interesting ways, ones that cannot be mimicked with tools such as Photoshop.

For examples see Jeffery's IR photos on his website:

Fall leaf color and wild ponies outing October 12.

Join the Eastman Photography Club on a fall outing to Grayson Highlands 
State Park in Virginia.

Grayson Highlands is described as a bit up in the clouds, with its high elevation ( 3800+- ) you'll definitely have cooler temperatures and a breeze.

The trails are easy to hike and the scenery is just gorgeous. Wild ponies are around and most of the time they areeasy to be found.  See the website for pictures.

Some people are staying the night, while others are just doing a day trip. It's up to you.
It will be much cooler and breezy so bring a jacket.

Read several reviews here

Website to the park:

The park is located here :   
Its address is 829 Grayson Highland Lane, Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363

Meet at the entrance. On the map it's called Split Rock 

Meet Time at the front gate of Grayson Highlands Park:    ***** 9:00 am  *****

Camping and Cabin rentals available here:

Estimated driving time from Kingsport:     **** 1 hour 40 minutes  ****

Tons of photos on the Facebook Page:

Please e mail Jamie if you have any questions:

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