If you haven't been to DuPont State Forest in North Carolina you should take advantage of the October Camera Club trip for Tour de Falls on October 18.
There are several spectacular waterfalls in the park. During the October 18 & 19 weekend the Friends of DuPont run shuttle buses that take people right to each fall. No hiking required! It is their fund raising event and they ask for a $12 donation to ride the bus. The fall colors should be looking good that weekend.
Jim Rigsby will be leading this trip. It's an all day trip. Meet at the Colonial Heights Ingles parking lot between McDonalds and the Bank at 7:30 AM on Saturday October 18.. A second meeting place is the Walmar in Erwin at 8:00 AM. It's about a 2 hour drive from Kingsport so you'll want to car pool as much as possible. We did this trip a few years ago and got back in the evening after having dinner on the way home.