Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fun Photo Outing - Vintage Baseball Game

Here's something the club has not done before and should be a lot of fun.   The Tennessee Association of Vintage Base Ball will bring a regulation game following the 1864 rules of play to Rocky Mount. This will be a fun outing and a unique way to practice your sports photography.  Come out and cheer on the Knoxville Holstons and the Emmett Machinists of Knoxville as they face off at Rocky Mount in Piney Flats Tennessee.

Jun 4th 11:30 am - 2:30 pm.  The game begins at noon.
Meet at Rocky Mount in Piney Flats between 11:30 and noon.
Free admission for game, donations will be accepted to support this event.

You will want to bring your long and fast lens for this event.

The game takes place on the lawn.  As in 1864, there are no bleachers or hot dog vendors.  Bring lawn chairs or picnic blankets and maybe shade umbrellas.

Visit the Tennessee Vintage Base Ball Association web page to learn more about their games: http://tennesseevintagebaseball.com/

- See more Rocky Mount Museum 

Contact Richard Siggins for information.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Koustubh Kulkarni takes second place in national photo contest.

Koustubh Kulkarni, an Eastman employee in Kingsport and a member of the Eastman Camera Club, has won a prestigious national photography award.   His entry in the “Share the Experience - The National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Photo contest” has won the 2nd Place!

Big Horn Sheep, Joshua Tree National Park, California

Throughout the year, amateur photographers capture stunning imagery from across millions of acres of public lands and enter the Share the Experience photo contest for an opportunity to win $30,000 in prizes and be featured on the America the Beautiful — The National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Annual Pass.

Do checkout the other winning pictures as well as the entries. Some really cool pictures in there. See the announcement on CBS This Morning.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 19 - Studio Photography Hands On Workshop

Bring your camera and spouse, best friend, children or anyone you want a photo of to the May meeting. We will have the new studio lights set up and after some instruction, you will be able to take their photo using the lights. This will be a great way to learn about using the lights and to get some awesome photos fo your favorite subject.

The studio lights are now available to be rented through the Eastman Employee Center.

Rental Rates


This professional studio light kit was designed to meet a variety of photographer needs. This three-light setup includes two AlienBees™ B800 units for the main and fill lights, each with a 13-foot heavy-duty stands. You can use the 47-inch Octabox on your main light for portraits with the Soft Silver PLM™ umbrella as your fill. The lower-powered B400 unit with the 20º honeycomb grid will work perfectly for a hair light (positioned on the 10-foot general purpose stand). Connecting just one CyberSync™ CSR Receiver to one flash unit will allow you to wirelessly fire the entire setup from camera position with the CST2 Transmitter as the remaining two flashes will fire via their built-in slave trippers.

More information about the light kit is available online -

We will be in Room 223 this meeting, not the normal room.