January 22, 2014
Chuck Cooper--Collage of the Smokies

This Saturday is the first day of the Wilderness Wildlife Week in Pigeon Forge TN. The
event runs all week at the new LeConte Convention Center located at
2986 Teaster Lane, Pigeon Forge, TN. (It is located
on Teaster Lane that runs parallel to the main road through the city.
Going toward Gatlinburg, it will be on your LEFT. Most any road off the
main road will get you there. It is large and easy to locate. Plenty of
parking space too.)
All events are FREE and FREE PARKING!!!
Here is a list of photography related presentations and the dates/times they are being presented:
9-10 AM--Ways to Improve your Photography and Develop Your Craft-Dale Knight--Room
North 3
9 AM- 1 PM--Nature Photography Workshop---Kendall Chiles, Pat and Tom Cory, and Daniel Dempster--Room North 2
10:30-12:30 PM--Great Photos with Cell phones or Point and Shoot Cameras---Richard Iceland--Room North 3
1-2 PM--Creative Nature Enhanced Photography--Larry Perry--Room North 3
1:30-3:30 PM--How to Look at and Critiquing Images---Colby McLemore and Eddie Foley--Room North 2
2:30-3:30 PM---Working with Wildflowers: A photographers Delight-Jerry
Whaley--Room North 3
4-5 PM --
Turn Your Photography into Art--Karen Jones--Room North 2
4:30 -6 PM---Lightroom 5 Photo Editing Software-Colby McLemore--
Room North 3
5:30-6:30 PM-Seven Steps to Becoming a Better Photographer--
Bill Fortney--Room North 2
9-10 AM-Travel Photgography : Beyond the Postcard-Tom
and Pat Cory--Room North 2
10:30-11:30 AM-Wildlife an Nature Photo Trips: What to Take-Harry
Dunn--Room North 2
Noon - 1 PM-Scenic City International Photography Exhibition---Pat
Gordy--Room North 3
1:30-2:30 PM-Range of Light: Capturing the Mood of the Smokies-Jerry
Whaley-Room North 2
3-4 PM-Improving Your Photographic Vision-Bill
Fortney-Room North 2
4:30-5:30 PM-Digital Photo Editing---Richard
Iceland--Room North 3
4:30-5:30 PM-Seasons and Weather: Watching the Smokies--Jerry
Whaley--Room North 2
6-7 PM-Nighttime and Lowlight Photography-Eric
Gebhart-Room North 2
11:30-12:30PM-Basic Photography-Jim
Eastin-Room SOUTH 2
1-2 PM-Mountain Marvels: Water Falls of the Southern Appalachians-Bill
Carter-Room North 3
Noon-1 PM-Better Flower Photos-Bob
Stephenson-Room SOUTH 2
12:30-1:30 PM-Camera Basics 101: Understanding your camera's Adjustments used
in the Manual -Douglas Hubbard-Room Greenbrier Hall Section C
7:15 PM-Spiritual Lessons from Nature---Chuck
Summers and Ken Jenkins-Room--Greenbrier Hall Section A
10:30-11:30 AM-Jewels from the Sky: Snowflake Photography-Kris Light-Room South 3
11:30-12:30 PM-What are we saying with our Photography? Chasing that Special
look---Dale Knight-Room North 2
1-2 PM-Jasper and Banff Natural Parks-Canadian Wonderlands-Harry
Dunn-Room North 2
1-2 PM-The Tennessee River: A Journey-Randy
Hedgepath-Room South 3
2:30-3:30 PM-Photos of William Derris-1930-1956-Missy
Tipton Green and Pauylette Ledbetter---Room North 3
3-4 PM-Lakes, Lighthouses, and Landscapes of the North Woods-Kendall
Chiles-Room North 2
3:15-4:15 PM-America's Best Idea: Our National Parks-Chuck
Summers-Room Greenbrier Hall Section A
4-5 PM-Walking Through Beauty of the Natural World-Don
McGowan-Room North 2
5:30-6:30 PM-Lighting Essentials-Douglas
Hubbard-Room North 2
9-10 AM-Creating Camera Clubs that CLICK-Pat
Gordy-Room North 3
9-1 PM-Photography Workshop-Kendall
Chiles, Don McGowan, Warren Bedell-Room North 2
10:30-11:30 AM-Intro into Digital Photography from Camera to Print-Douglas
Hubbard-Room North 3
10:30-11:30 AM-Spirits of Cades Cove-Mike
Meldrum-Greenbrier Hall Section B
Noon-1 PM---Wildlife and Nature Photography-Tricks and Techniques-Harry
Dunn-Room North 3
1:30-2:30 PM-Black and White: Give your Photographs a Timeless Appeal-Karen
Jones-Room North 2
3-4 PM-Better Landscape Photos using Manual Settings-Eric
Gebhart-Room North 2
4-5 PM-Capturing Wildlife with Remote infrared Camera-Joel
and Kathy Zachry-Room Greenbrier Hall Section B
4-6 PM-What Separates a Snapshot from a Fine Photograph and how they are judged-Douglas
Hubbard-Room North 3
4:30-6:30 PM-Nature in Photoshop-Larry
Perry and Special Guest Harold Jerrell-Room North 2
7 PM-KEN JENKINS---Room Greenbrier Hall Section A
WWW Photo Contest
Contact Pigeon Forge Office of Special Events for rules.
NO cost to enter BUT there are CASH PRIZES!
may be submitted at the Pigeon Forge Special Events office in Pigeon
Forge Stoplight #5 on the left anytime up thru Friday January 25.
They may be brought to the Convention Center and entered on Saturday January 25 until noon.
All photos MUST BE PICKED UP between 3-6 PM on Saturday February 1
Ribbons will be awarded by 1 pm Sunday January 26
Questions: Call Pigeon Forge Office of Special Events---865-429-7396
This letter is sent to anyone interested in receiving these photo
notes. There is no charge and you are encouraged to forward these to
anyone you think would
benefit from reading them. If you would like to receive them direct,
just send an email to me at
larryperry@att.net and request to be added to the Larry Notes list.